
Papers Under Review

  • Mackenzie R. Dobson, Craig Volden, and Alan E. Wiseman. “Bipartisan Campaigners Become Bipartisan Legislators and Effective Lawmakers.”

  • Jacob M. Lollis and Mackenzie R. Dobson. “I’m Coming Out! How Voter Discrimination Produces Effective LGBTQ Lawmakers.” [Paper] Invited to Revise and Resubmit at PS: Political Science & Politics.

  • Mackenzie R. Dobson, Jacob M. Lollis, Jeff Harden, and Justin Kirkland. “Cashing in on Capacity? Social Class and Attitudes Toward Professionalized Legislatures.” [Paper]

Working Papers

  • “Campaigning on Compromise: Exploring the Influence of Bipartisan Language in State Legislative Campaigns”

  • “Instituting Compromise? How Legislative Institutions Prevent and Promote Bipartisan Lawmaking”

  • “Bipartisanship Secured: How Secure Majorities Lead to Cross-Party Collaboration”

  • “The Substantive Representation of LGBTQ Americans: Evidence from 1.6 Million State Legislative Bills” with Jacob M. Lollis

  • “The Consequences of Elite Action Against Elections” with Jeff Harden, Rachel Porter, Abigail Hemmen, Emma Schroeder, Géssica de Freitas, and Emily Anderson